This is.. What The Future

WTF enables local, small-scale production at a competitive price. Its circular production method with minimal waste is faster and more efficient than mass production.

The end of mass production

Mass production places a significant strain on the planet. Large-scale production, with expensive and complex supply chains, requires constant access to new raw materials and results in a lot of waste. Shipping components from places like Asia also has a negative environmental impact. However, the argument to maintain mass production is primarily driven by cost. Local and small-scale production is often considered too expensive. A completely new, disruptive solution is needed. This is exactly what seasoned entrepreneurs Eduard Zanen and Janne Kyttanen aimed to achieve with WTF. Additionally, director Carrie Howe brings a wealth of sales experience and knows exactly how to bring new innovations to market.

"A completely new, disruptive solution"

3DTI duurzame productie van schoenen

A flexible, local production solution

WTF is a flexible, local production solution that can produce products with fewer raw materials, in a circular manner, faster, and with less use of water and electricity than current (mass) production methods. This is achieved by printing molds very quickly and in any desired shape. These molds are filled (‘injected’) with any desired cold liquid or gel substance. By injecting directly into the packaging, WTF achieves speeds comparable to injection molding of large batches. Additionally, WTF aims to use fully natural and circular materials.

"a footprint that is 50% lower"

The importance of sustainable production

Current market trends, with rising raw material and transportation prices, underscore the importance of local and sustainable production. Solutions like those offered by WTF will rightfully play an increasingly larger role in our changing world.

Across the board, WTF ensures a footprint that is 50% lower than conventional processes. This impact is achieved through:

  • Significantly reduced energy usage (65%)
  • Minimal waste due to on-demand production and material reuse
  • Facilitating circular products and materials
  • Time savings thanks to the digital solution
  • Significant cost savings in mold production

WTF is taking on the fight against mass production.

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