duurzaam ijsje

This is... Nice

Nice makes ice cream from 100% natural ingredients, using seasonal fruit and only natural sugars. With flavors ranging from strawberry to vegan chocolate hazelnut, Nice offers a sustainable and delicious alternative for ice cream lovers of all ages.

Natural, real fruit ice lollies

The way we currently produce our food has many negative consequences for the Earth and our health. Products come from afar, and often we don’t even know what’s in our food. Ice cream brand Nice was founded by Nina Kamp, who was surprised by the lack of natural, real fruit ice lollies for her young children. The ice cream aisle was dominated by products that consisted mostly of powders and concentrates. That needed to change.

"The tastiest ice lollies made from the finest ingredients"


The tastiest ice lollies

Nice makes the tastiest ice lollies from the finest ingredients. These are 100% natural and recognizable, with no added junk. For comparison: Nice’s strawberry ice lolly consists of 70% strawberry; a Calippo strawberry contains 15% strawberry juice from concentrate.

100% organic

Nice’s ice lollies are 100% organic, making them better for the soil and biodiversity. The seasonal fruit comes from growers as close to home as possible, avoiding the need for long-distance travel. Sustainability is fully integrated. Even the packaging is made as sustainable as possible, currently consisting of paper packaging with the thinnest possible inner foil.

duurzaam ijsje

Nice's ice lollies are 100% organic, which means they are better for the soil and biodiversity.

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